Why Your Businesses Needs Professional Cleaning

Cleanliness is undeniably something that affects all of us. Whether that’s something as simple as hoovering or emptying the bins, or a more intense process designed to eliminate deeply embedded dirt and grime, there’s a wide spectrum of ways that cleaning becomes part of our regular rituals.

That’s especially true of businesses, who’ll often see more nuanced issues than homeowners, or need more specialised cleaning services to ensure that their premises stay at the levels their customers have come to expect. It’s often a difficult, uphill battle, and one that can often be a consistent headache for business owners.

That’s where a consummately professional cleaning company like Vanguard come in. With an extensive suite of services, and our revolutionary approach to staff training, you’re exceptional the highest possible standards.

With our latest article, we’ll look at the key reasons why a professional cleaning company is the ideal next step for your business, and how investing in expert cleaners is the ideal way to ensure that your business retains the same levels of hygiene you’ve become known for.


What Do We Mean By Professional Cleaning?

Professional cleaning simply means any cleaning services that are carried out by a licensed cleaning company. It’s also often referred to as outsourced cleaning, or commercial cleaning, and revolves around providing a more comprehensive service than conventional methods can.

As a general rule, the services that are included as part of professional or commercial cleaning offer robust options for combatting the issues that face a business or highly populated environment, such as hospitals or schools.

Someone who employs a professional cleaning firm can reasonably expect to receive exceptional levels of sanitation and cleanliness across all surfaces and flooring, as well as rigorous processes and procedures to ensure the continued safety of any cleaning that’s undertaken.

Ultimately, there’s a myriad of benefits to opting to have your premises professionally cleaned, and understanding how your business can take advantage of those services is the first step in harnessing the power of commercial cleaning.

In our next section, we’ll break down just 5 of the key reasons why you need to consider professional cleaning for your business, and how they’ll not only lead to a more productive and welcoming workplace, but they actively contribute towards your company’s bottom line.


The 5 Key Reasons To Invest In Professional Cleaning

While we’ve already briefly touched on how commercial cleaning offers one of the more impactful choices you could make for your business, there are a few key reasons why choosing to opt for it sooner rather than later can make all the difference.


1. Rely On The Training Of Professional Cleaners

As the name implies, a professional cleaning company can offer an expert service, encompassing all that you’ll need when it comes to hygiene and sanitisation. This should be consistent across any provider you choose, insomuch as they are contracted to conduct a professional service.

This also means that you can rely upon the training and expertise of their staff to carry out every aspect of your cleaning. At Vanguard, we take that proficiency a step further, offering one of the industry’s most complete and exceptional training processes.

All of our staff undergo an in-depth training process that really helps us distinguish ourselves from our competitors, and that can truly ensure we provide a service we’re proud to put the Vanguard name to.

We ensure every cleaner we provide isn’t just familiar with the basics, but that they understand the complexities and nuance that comes along with more in-depth cleaning methods like infection control and colour-coded equipment to prevent cross-contamination.

All of this guarantees that your premises achieve a level of cleanliness and hygiene that’s far above anything you can get on your own, especially with the tactics and techniques that are commonplace among cleaners at firms like Vanguard.


2. Professional Cleaners Use The Right Equipment

Arguably the most pivotal point to consider when opting for a professional cleaning firm is the fact that they’ll always have the necessary tools and equipment to complete the assignment to the highest possible standards.

While that’s especially true of more challenging jobs like floor cleaning or carpet deep cleans (an essential and regular service for places like restaurants and cafés), it also extends the opposite way too.

A high-quality commercial cleaning company like Vanguard will not only bring with them the ideal and often cutting-edge tools for the job, but also the right sprays and cleaning chemicals for the job. That’s tailorable, too, especially with bleaches and sanitisers often being an irritant for many – we’ll always accommodate any issues with specific scents, chemical makeups or processes.

It goes without saying, but by undertaking the job with the right tools, it’s essentially improving the end result by a significant margin. You’ll immediately notice a difference, and so will your customers and clients.


3. You’ll Remove Any Unnecessary Hassle

Cleaning is, for the majority of us, a chore. Not only can it be a strenuous task at times, it’s also highly time-consuming, especially if you’ve got a larger premises to deal with, or multiple different areas – such as carpets into hard flooring, or wooden surfaces into countertops – to accommodate.

In many businesses, the only adage stands true – time means money, and time that’s spent completing extraneous or unrelated tasks (which cleaning often falls under) can eat into profits and draw yours or your staff’s attention away from the things that really matter.

While opting for professional cleaners may seem counterintuitive at first, especially as you’ll need to budget for that, the time you’ll ultimately be saving for you and your employees far outweighs any costs that professional cleaning necessitates.

With that in place, you’ll be left to focus on the things that truly matter for your business. This could be providing a better or more comprehensive service to your customers, conducting any necessary administrative work, or simply investing the time you’ve saved into your livelihood.


4. Get Completely Tailormade Cleaning Solutions

If you’ve got a particularly large premises, or one that brings with it unique challenges and characteristics (such as manufacturing and industrial sites), it can be difficult to know where and how to start with your cleaning.

That’s particularly true if you’ve got limited experience in cleaning as a whole. It’s often a daunting prospect to look at your property and begin the process of cleaning, and that can cause anxiety and stress that, as a business owner, you simply don’t need.

A professional cleaning company like Vanguard can create a fully bespoke, custom-made cleaning schedules and routines for your premises, taking into account a huge range of factors that include:

  • Your budget for cleaning
  • The size of your premises
  • The equipment and machinery you need cleaning
  • What time of day you need your cleaning to take place
  • The style of cleaning you require (such as enhanced cleans, or janitorial services)
  • Any extenuating factors (if any specialised equipment needed, for instance)

All of this forms the basis of a robust and all-encompassing plan for your business and its unique circumstances, which will further ensure that you’ve got everything in place you need to run a clean and hygienic business.


5. Minimise Your Environmental Impact With Professional Cleaning

Something that’s constantly in the mid of any conscientious businessperson, and that’s quickly becoming a focal point as we seek to combat climate change, is our impact on the environment. Plus, with the UK Government imposing a deadline of 2050 for net-zero emissions, it’s also a time-sensitive matter.

By choosing a cleaning company that’s got those same lofty aspirations in mind, you’re futureproofing every individual aspect of your company, including those which many often neglect or forget about entirely.

At Vanguard, we’re completely committed to the latest developments and changes in eco-friendly cleaning. We use sustainable and environmentally safe cleaning fluids, avoiding aerosols and other harmful equipment wherever possible.

That’s often an overlooked benefit of professional cleaning. If you outsource your cleaning, especially to an experienced provider like Vanguard, you’ll remove any responsibility you might have for choosing cleaner or greener choices for cleaning processes and chemicals.

Vanguard Could Revolutionise Your Cleaning

With such a huge range of benefits to outsourcing your cleaning to a professional, it’s natural you’d be looking to take advantage of that. Whether you’re keen to make the most of the positive environmental impacts that professional cleaning can bring, or simply take the onus off you and your staff, Vanguard represents the clear choice.

Since our inception over 20 years ago, we’ve been fully committed to providing a tailormade cleaning experience for businesses across a huge range of sectors and industries, all with the goal of offering an exceptional level of service.

That’s something we bring to every contract we undertake, and to each individual premises. We’ll work tirelessly alongside you to ensure that we only provide the highest quality cleanliness and hygiene.

If you’d like to take control of your business’ cleaning schedule, and reclaim the time that you’d otherwise spend on ensuring your pretty is sparkling, get in touch with our expert team today! Not only can we provide much more information, but you’ll also receive a free, no obligation quote that encompasses everything you’ll receive from us.